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How can you

sell your handicrafts

at Taratiti

Registering details, email, phone and country Selecting sales partner option (manufacturer or itermediary)
Selecting the type of cooperation (continuous or occasional)
Selecting the type of products
Selecting shipping method (self-shipping or through Taratiti)
Selecting how to receive the price of goods (through card and bank account or exchange account)

Choosing a username and receiving a partner cod


the sales cooperation

from steps

1- In the first line, enter your name, email and phone. 

2- In the second line select the residential country and specify the cooperation status. 

3- In the second line, select shipping method (only for countries where sending products by active international trasport companies is possible) 

4- Select the type of product or products for sale from the existing list

5- Choose how to receive the price of the sold products. 

6- After one working day, the partner code will be sent to your email, which will be your ID code and will be inserted next to your products

Taratiti services


partner sellers

– Offering the presented products and their information in Taratiti virtual stores and website

Sending monthly reports of sales details of products and services provided to partner seller.

Special services

to partners with

continuous subscription

Monthly specialized ads for one of the products (of their choice)

Placing one og their products (of their choice) in the speciail products section of the website

Presnting selected products in the special discounts section (if desired)

Costs of services

provided to

partner sellers

Presenting of the first 10 products within the first three months of subscription is free. 

After the 11th product or passing of three months after the start of the subscription,  only 2% of the sales amount of the product will be given to Taratiti.
If the shipping of the product is the responsibility of Taratiti, the shipping cost will be deducted by Taratiti from the sale amount of the products.
The cost of providing specialized product promotions is $5 per month. (This service is optional)
The cost of placing each product in the special sales section is 25 cents per month.
6- After one working day, the partner code will be sent to your email, which will be your ID code and will be inserted next to your products