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About our online store

“We introduce your artistic creations to the global market”


Taratiti is an online international handicraft store located in United ArabEmirates.

Taratitis’ website and social media accounts with the help of its capable specialists uses newest methods of supplying and selling in becoming one of the best and most powerful online stores for online supplying and selling of the handicraft for the following reasons:

•      we believe in using the art of handicraft to make the world more beautiful

•      we value the artistic potency of creators and manufactures of handicrafts

•      we  in supporaimt and protection of artists and serving the art-lovers.


Creators and artists

You can introduce your supply to the global market using taratiti website without paying any amount of money and connect to the global market from your home workshop.

We expose your artistic supplies to the world with the help of our capable specialists and marketer and use the best methods of marketing to advertise your product for your handmade artwork and find costumers for them.

We connect to the international buyers with the help of our wide communication network, to introduce your worthy artwork to them.

You only have to connect to us and become a member of taratiti family and give your work sample to us.


You can find the most beautiful and various handicrafts with the best prices in taratiti.

You only have to search for your intended supply, choose and order it.

We will deliver your intended supply to you in the fastest time possible. 

There will be no delivery fees for your orders above 100 dollar.